What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On Around the World?

The tradition of wearing an engagement ring is a beautiful symbol of love and commitment. However, the finger and hand on which people wear their engagement rings can vary depending on the country or culture. While many follow the custom of wearing the ring on the left hand, others choose the right hand. Let’s explore What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On Around the World and the traditions behind it.

The Left Hand Tradition

In many Western countries, such as the United States, copyright, and the United Kingdom, engagement rings are typically worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, known as the "ring finger." This tradition goes back to ancient Rome, where people believed that a special vein called the "vena amoris," or vein of love, ran directly from the ring finger to the heart. Although this has since been disproven, the tradition continues, as it symbolizes love and connection.

The Right Hand Tradition

In many countries, the engagement ring is worn on the right hand instead of the left. Some of these countries include:

  • Germany

  • Russia

  • Poland

  • India

  • Greece

In these cultures, the right hand is considered more significant or "honorable." After the wedding, many couples continue to wear their rings on the right hand as a sign of commitment.

Switching Hands After Marriage

Some cultures and countries have a unique tradition of switching hands after marriage. For example, in Brazil and Argentina, couples wear their engagement rings on their right hand until they are married. After the wedding ceremony, they move the rings to their left hand to signify their new status as husband and wife.

Similarly, in Germany and Austria, couples wear the engagement ring on the left hand, but after the wedding, they move it to the right hand.

Religious Traditions

Religious beliefs can also influence which hand or finger the engagement ring is worn on. In Jewish weddings, the ring is traditionally placed on the bride's right-hand index finger during the ceremony. Afterward, many brides move the ring to the left-hand ring finger.

In Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions, engagement rings are worn on the right hand, reflecting the belief that the right hand symbolizes strength, honor, and virtue.

Modern Preferences and Personal Choice

In today’s world, many couples choose which finger or hand to wear their engagement rings on based on personal preference rather than tradition. Some people opt for the left hand, while others feel more comfortable wearing their rings on the right hand due to cultural, religious, or practical reasons. There is no right or wrong answer—what matters most is the meaning behind the ring and the love it represents.


The question of What Finger Does the Engagement Ring Go On Around the World? has different answers depending on where you are and the traditions you follow. In many Western countries, the left hand is the most common choice, while in others, the right hand holds more significance. Whether you wear your engagement ring on the left or right, the important thing is that it symbolizes love, unity, and commitment.

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